
Scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich are investigating how smartwatches can support

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich are investigating how smartwatches can support psychiatric diagnostics and therapy. Modern smartwatches can measure psychophysiological parameters such as patients’ movement patterns, sleep and heart rate, and at the same time collect core symptoms of psychiatric disorders using ecological momentary assessment (EMA) questions.

SaLux is a project initiated in the early phases of the Covid-19 pandemic at the Max-Planck- Institute of Experimental Medicine (now Max-Planck-Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences).
Gyfera Health

Gefyra Health is a spin-off from the Max Planck Fellow Group
for Precision Psychiatry. We combine years of experience in research, machine learning methodology, software development and application to maximise the power of data for improving mental wellness of people. Through our consultancy services and products, we have the ability to integrate at different stages of the value creation chain to achieve and enhance AI assisted prevention, prediction and diagnosis recommendations in mental health.

We enable the application of self-organized synchronization in large, spatially-distributed clocking networks. Using mutually coupled oscillators, systemwide synchronization with precision below 50 picoseconds can be achieved in the presence of cross-coupling time delays equivalent to many thousands of periods of the oscillations. Together

Global demand for food is increasing and modern agriculture must achieve high yields while becoming more sustainable. But there are many threats to his or her crops a farmer has to tackle. One of them is in the form of weeds
that compete with the crops for, e.g., nutrients and water. Modern agriculture, therefore, greatly relies on the effectiveness of synthetic
herbicides for weed control. However, the repetitive use of herbicides in modern cropping systems has led to the rise of herbicide-resistant weeds. As an example, blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroides) is one of the most harmful weed species in many Western European countries. In England alone, the annual wheat yield loss due to herbicide resistance to just blackgrass is estimated at 0.8 million tons and the annual loss of farm income at 0.4 billion GBP (Varah et al., 2020).

Infectious diseases contribute to more than 25% of human morbidity. The arsenal of antimicrobial agents is rapidly being depleted as existing pathogens continue to develop resistance against most of the frontline drugs. According to O’Neill commission, Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is predicted to incur a huge dent to world economy and cost 10 million lives by 2050.

VesselSens developes a smart therapeutic monitoring device, StentGuard, for rapid, reliable, low cost and early diagnosis of restenosis non-invasively.

Sign2MINT is a project being developed at the Max Planck Institute for Microstructure Physics and is dedicated to the development of a specialized sign lexicon.